Adobe Sign

122,400 ratings
Adobe Sign, an Adobe Document Cloud solution is a cloud-based, enterprise-class e-signature service that lets you replace paper and ink signature processes with fully automated electronic signature workflows.
Automation Platforms
Platform Support
Custom API Support
Watch Events
Triggers when a new event given in the parameters is occured.
New/updated document
New/updated document in Adobe Sign
Create an Agreement
Creates a new agreement and sends it by email.
Get a Group
Retrieves detailed information about the group.
Get a MegaSign
Gets detailed information of the specified MegaSign parent agreement.
Get a Web Form
Retrieves the details of a web form.
Get a Workflow
Retrieves the details of a workflow.
Get an Agreement
Retrieves the current status of an agreement.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
Update an Agreement Status
Updates an agreement status.
Create record
Create record in Adobe Sign
Custom action
Custom action in Adobe Sign
Get record
Get record in Adobe Sign
Search records
Search records in Adobe Sign
Update record
Update record in Adobe Sign
Upload document
Upload document in Adobe Sign
Cancel an agreement
Cancels the agreement identified by agreementId in the path.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create a library template from a document URL
This operation creates a template in Adobe Acrobat Sign library from a document URL. Use this template for sending agreements
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create a library template from a document URL (Old) [DEPRECATED]
This operation creates a template in Adobe Acrobat Sign library from a document URL. Use this template for sending agreements
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create a library template from an uploaded document
This operation creates a template in Adobe Acrobat Sign library from an uploaded document. Use this template for sending agreements.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create a library template from an uploaded document (Old) [DEPRECATED]
This operation creates a template in Adobe Acrobat Sign library from an uploaded document. Use this template for sending agreements.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create an agreement from a document URL and send for signature
This operation creates an agreement from a document uploaded in Adobe Acrobat Sign and sends it for signature.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create an agreement from a document URL and send for signature (Old) [DEPRECATED]
This operation creates an agreement from a document uploaded in Adobe Acrobat Sign and sends it for signature.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create an agreement from a file content and send for signature
This operation creates an agreement from a file in Adobe Acrobat Sign and sends it for signature.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create an agreement from a library template and send for signature
This operation creates an agreement from a template stored in the user's Adobe Acrobat Sign library and sends it for signature.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create an agreement from a library template and send for signature (Old) [DEPRECATED]
This operation creates an agreement from a template stored in the user's Adobe Acrobat Sign library and sends it for signature.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create an agreement from a workflow and send for signature
This operation creates an agreement from a workflow in Adobe Acrobat Sign and sends it for signature.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create an agreement from an uploaded document and send for signature
This operation creates an agreement from a document uploaded in Adobe Acrobat Sign and sends it for signature.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Create an agreement from an uploaded document and send for signature (Old) [DEPRECATED]
This operation creates an agreement from a document uploaded in Adobe Acrobat Sign and sends it for signature.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a document from an agreement
This operation fetches the file stream of a specific document of the agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a document from an agreement [DEPRECATED]
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a document from an agreement instead. This operation fetches the file stream of a specific document of the agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all agreements
This operation fetches the list of all agreements of the user.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all agreements (Old) [DEPRECATED]
This operation fetches the list of all agreements of the user.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all agreements based on search criteria
This operation searches agreements by criteria such as Workflow ID, etc.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all groups the user belongs to
This operation fetches the list of all groups user belongs to.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all library templates
This operation fetches the list of all documents stored as templates in the Adobe Acrobat Sign library of the user.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all library templates (Old) [DEPRECATED]
This operation fetches the list of all documents stored as templates in the Adobe Acrobat Sign library of the user.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all the document IDs from an agreement
This operation fetches the IDs of all documents and supporting documents of an agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all the document IDs from an agreement [DEPRECATED]
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a list of all the document IDs from an agreement instead. This operation fetches the IDs of all documents and supporting documents of an agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all web forms
This operation fetches the list of all web forms of the user.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a list of all workflows
This operation fetches the list of all workflows of the user.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a PDF of a signed agreement
This operation fetches the PDF file stream of the combined or signed agreement. Note that the file stream should be stored with a filename ending in .pdf file extension.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a PDF of a signed agreement [DEPRECATED]
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a PDF of a signed agreement instead. This operation fetches the PDF file stream of the combined or signed agreement. Note that the file stream should be stored with a filename ending in .pdf file extension.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get a PDF of the agreement's audit trail
This operation fetches the PDF file stream of the agreement audit trail. Note that the file stream should be stored with a filename ending in .pdf file extension.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get form field data of agreement (Old) [DEPRECATED]
Retrieves data entered into the interactive form fields of the agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get form field data of agreement in CSV format
Retrieves data entered into the interactive form fields of the agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get form field data of agreement in JSON format
Retrieves data entered into the interactive form fields of the agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get the detailed info of the workflow
This operation fetches detailed pieces of information about the workflow.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get the status of an agreement
This operation fetches all the current information of an agreement, like status.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Get the status of an agreement [DEPRECATED]
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get the status of an agreement instead. This operation fetches all the current information of an agreement, like status.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Retrieve the Signing URL
This operation retrieves the URL for the e-sign page for the current signer(s) of an agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Upload a document and get a document ID
This operation uploads a document in your Adobe Acrobat Sign account and returns a document ID for it. This document is temporarily stored in Adobe Acrobat Sign and the document ID can be used for further operations like creating an agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
Upload a document and get a document ID (Old) [DEPRECATED]
This operation uploads a document in your Adobe Acrobat Sign account and returns a document ID for it. This document is temporarily stored in Adobe Acrobat Sign and the document ID can be used for further operations like creating an agreement.
Power Automate
Power Automate
List Groups
Retrieves all the groups in an account.
List MegaSigns
Retrieves MegaSign parent agreements for a user.
List Web Forms
Retrieves web forms for a user.
List Workflows
Retrieves workflows for a user.
Search Agreements
Searches for agreements.